Marriage: Meaning, Definitions , Hindu Marriage - A Sacrament & Various types or forms of marriage | Notes PDF Download
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Abstract Overview :-
Traditionally, marriage in most Societies is thought to be sacrament. However, today marriage has taken the form a contract & is bound by legal rules and regulations. Marital ideology across the world has been based on the principle of male domination. Marriage is more or less a universal social institution in India. Domestic violence, ill treatment of women etc. are sad reality of the marriages in India, but not limited to India only. In India marriage of the discourse on woman's rights within marriage & family a complex matter as it is closely intertwined with religious, and other social identity politics.Definitions of Marriage
1. Edward Westermark - Marriage is a relation of one or men with one or more women which is recognised by custom or law & involves certain rights and duties both in the case of parties entering the union & in the children born to it.
2. Malinowsk - Marriage is contract for the production & maintenance of children.
3. Alfred Mc Clung Lee - Marriage is the public joining together, under socially specified regulation of a man & women as husband & wife.
Hindu Marriage - A Sacrament
1- Dharma was the highest aim of
2- Performance of this religious ceremonies included certain rites like havan Kanyadan , etc. which being based on sacred formula, which were considered sacred.
3- the Union was considered to indissoluble
& husband-wife were bound to each other not only until death but even after death.
4- marriage was considered to be a 'social duty' towards the family & the community & there was little idea of individual interest & aspiration.
Thus, the basic aim of the marriage was dhrama the fullfillment of one's religious duties.
The Hindu marriage is therefore called "Sarira Sanskara" which means purification of the body. The individual will have no salvation without marriage.
Types or forms of Marriage
1- Monogamy- [1M & 3F]
Marriage of a man to a woman at a time.
Most common & acceptable form of marriage in all societies.
It is quite good because
1) the sex ratio is approximately 1:1 not 1:2
2) In many societies women is not much of economic value to husband after marriage while the husband has to satisfy wife's all material needs, not all men can afford a number of wives.
2. Polygamy - [1M & many F]
One man marries more than one woman at a given time.
It is preferred form of marriage
cin many cultures.
3. Polyandry- [Many M & 1F]
One women marries more than one man.
less common than Polyandry
The practice is rare but still found among some preliterate & backward people.
4. Group Marriage - [Many M & many F]
A number of man marry to a number of woman.
Husbands are common husbands & wives common wives.Children are regarded as the children of the entire group as a whole.
Marriages on basis of Status-
Age, education , class, castes, race, religion, status.etc are various considerations which are taken into account. The importance of these factors varies from society to society as well as between groups within the same society.On the basis of these factors varies forms of marriages are there -
1.Homogamy - When people of similar ages, race , religion, social status etc prefer to marry one another it is called Homogamy.
2- Heterogamy- Marriage between partners who differ widely in terms of age, race, religion, sociol status etc is known as Heterogamy.
3. Hypergamy and Hypogamy-
Hypergamy means women of a lower social status on the women marwies "UP" which elevates her position in society.
Hypogamy means a man marries a woman of a higher social status or the women marries "DOWN".
Note: In a Society ,where position of women is already low, Hypergamy makes the situation even worse.
On Basis of Mate's group
1- Endogamy
2- Exogamy
means it is social rule the prohibits a person from marrying within a defined social group of which he is a member. practice of marring outside the class our social group.
Some other forms marriage
Levirate- marrying deceased husband's brother.
Sororate- marrying deceased wife's sister.
Isogamy- marriage between individuals with equal status.
Companionate marriage- marriage of two persons on the understanding that as there are no child.