Democracy it's Origin, Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics, Merits and Demerits | Political science notes for BALLB
Democracy - Origin, Meaning And Definitions
- The term "Democracy" was first coined by Herodotus around 2500 years ago.
- Democracy encompasses various elements including political ideals, economic and social forces, and ethical principles.
- Derived from Greek words meaning "people" and "government," democracy signifies power or government by the people.
- In ancient Athens, it was practiced as direct democracy, while in modern times, it is represented by indirect or representative democracy.
- Plato and Aristotle had critical views of democracy, labeling it as "rule of ignorance" and "government by the many perverted souls," respectively.
- Abraham Lincoln famously defined democracy as "government of the people, by the people, for the people."
According to MacIver, "Democracy is not a way of governing whether by majority or otherwise, but primarily a way of determining who shall govern and broadly, to what ends."
Prof. Seeley says that democracy is 'a government in which everyone has a share’
For A.V. Dicey, democracy as a form of government, is a government in which "the governing body is comparatively a large fraction of the entire nation."
According to Lewis, "Democracy properly signifies a government in which the majority of the whole nation or community is the part of the sovereign power."
Hearn Shaw says, "Democracy is a mode of appointing, controlling and dismissing Government."
Lord James Bryce defines democracy as "that form of government in which the ruling power of a State is largely vested not in anyone individual, not in a particular class but in communities which act by voting that rule belongs to the majority....."
Prof. Gettell says, "Democracy is that form of government in which the mass of population possesses the right to share in the exercise of the sovereign power."
J.S. Mill says that democracy is "a form of government in which the people exercise the governing power through deputies periodically elected by them."
- In a democracy, government is based on consent and is open to public criticism, contrasting with autocracy where power is centralized and irreversible.
- Democracy rejects personal rule and emphasizes that no one can claim permanent power in their own name.
Characteristic Features of Democracy
(1) Democracy has belief in conversion, not in compulsion, in discussion, but not in dictation. It believes in ballot-box, not in battle-axe. It is opposed to militarism.
(2) Democracy is based on the principle of equality. It is 'a partnership among equals.'
(3) Enlightened and intelligent citizenship is one of the essential features of democracy. The Government is elected, controlled, criticised and removed by the people.
All this can be properly done only when the people are educated and enlightened.
(4) What brain is to a man, a good leader is to the democracy The quality of government depends on the leader, who is honest, sincere, bold and strong.
(5) A free, fearless and frank press is one of the attributes of democracy.
(6) A strong and responsible opposition is as much essential as a strong ruling party. Opposition makes the government responsible and checks the growth of party dictatorship.
(7) Local self-government is called the foundation of national democracy.
(8) Constitutional government is an essential attribute of democracy.
(9) An independent and impartial judiciary is a must in a democracy.
(10) Honest and efficient administration is essential for the success of democracy.
(11) Democracy succeeds in a society where there is a strong sense of solidarity; an intense conviction of unity; a persuasive feeling of communal life.
(12) Governments are changed in accordance with the Constitution and not through violent methods.
(13) In democracy, the importance and the dignity of the human personality is recognised. Every individual is free to think and act independently. Basic freedoms are guaranteed to the people.
(14) The removal of all disparities based on the caste, colour, religion, region, language, sex, etc. is assured in a democracy.
(15) The most important element in the presentation of democracy is the spirit of the people. The people must want democracy.
(16) For the success of democracy, the habit of tolerance and compromise must be widespread.
(17) Distribution of wealth and ownership of property among all sections of population within society is required for the success of democracy.
(18) Participation in democracy should be through adult franchise through which the government is constituted and representatives are elected.
(19) Democracy functions successfully if the army is obedient to the civil power. The principle of popular sovereignty will be invalid without the obedience of army to civil power.
(20) Successful working of democracy presupposes the existence of peaceful conditions and people having full faith in democracy.
Merits of Democracy
(1) Democracy contains the spirit of compromise and agreement.
(2) It is in democracy that the importance of each individual is fully recognised.
(3) Since democracy is based on the principle of debate and consent, there is little scope for violence.
(4) Democracy is an efficient and responsible form of government. Any arbitrary exercise of authority by the elected representatives will not be tolerated by the people.
(5) Democracy is based upon the concept of equality. All people are equal before law. Democracy provides equal rights and liberties to all citizens alike.
(6) Democracy provides political education and promotes patriotism among the people.
(7) It trains the people in the art of self-government.
(8) Democracy promotes a better and higher form of national character than any other system of government.
(9) Democracy respects the dignity of the human personality.
(10) Democracy provides peaceful changes in government and there is no place for rebellion and revolution in democracy.
(11) Democracy stands both for order and prosperity.
(12) Under democracy the rulers are not only responsible to the people for their actions but also responsive to their needs and wishes.
(13) It is only in democracy that a common and ordinary man also can become a ruler.
(14) People are vested with sovereign authority in democracy.
Demerits of Democracy
(1) Democracy is the rule of ignorant, incompetent and
illiterate persons.
(2) Democracy assigns more importance to the quantity instead of quality.
(3) Democracy is very expensive and costlier form of government.
(4) Democracy debases the moral character and ethical values of individuals.
(5) Democracy encourages the capitalist and class conflicts in the society.
(6) Democracy through its party system harms the interests of the nation by lowering moral standards and encouraging hollowness and insincerity.
(7) Democracy is an irrational and impossible ideal as it wrongly assumed that all men are equal.
(8) Democracy is also considered intolerant and most hostile to fundamental changes and progress.
(9) As people come under the influence of elite, ordinary people are not fit to exercise supreme power and people's power is a myth.
(10) Democracy is a painfully slow moving process.
(11) In a democratic government, power is in the hands of the majority party which can afford to tyrannize the people.
(12) It is a mob rule.
(13) It is an unstable form of government. The success of no-confidence motion against ruling party government, often, leads to mid-term elections.
(14) In a democracy, excessive power of political parties leads to unrest in society.
(15) Democracy has ceased to be a government by majority in multi-party system.